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1 mei 2015 om 10:14 #195474
Various ways for the SME’s to approach the French health market and the hospital’s procurement
28 april 2015 · door NBSO Lyon · in Uncategorizedsante : Logo de vie sain
Several relevant networks exist to achieve your goals:
RESAH / http://www.resah.fr
The RESAH is a public resource and expertise center in the field of purchasing and supply. It counts around 150 members (hospitals and medical institutions), representing a portfolio of buying reaching around one billion and a half euros.
The RESAH also runs international projects as the one called “HAPPI” in the silver economy. (Healthy Ageing Public Procurement of Innovations).This project works to establish long-term collaboration between healthcare purchasing organizations across Europe to identify “ageing well” and innovative health products, services and solutions in order to initiate procurement contracts for the benefit of healthcare organizations. The European commission contributes to the program through 2M€ subsidies. More information is available at http://www.happi-project.eu. Or by E-mail to the attention of M. Louis Potel at Resah-idf : L.Potel@resah-idf.com
A Dutch company called Force Link, http://www.forcelink.nl was selected for a tender named “treadmill for rehabilitation and analysis of walking disorders”
More opportunities are detailed in the following links:
INNOCAT Project: http://www.sustainable-catering.eu
INSPIRE Project: http://inspirecampus.eu
EHPPA: http://www.ehppa.com (European Health Public Procurement Alliance)
ACHAT HOPITAL / http://www.achat-hopital.com is an interregional free on line platform, dedicated to more than 600 establishments of the French health sector. It is the most important market place for hospitals and medical institutions’ procurement.
ALLIANCE-GROUPEMENTS / http://www.alliance-groupements.fr/ is the interregional network of buying groups in the field of health sector procurement: A mapping of different groups located throughout France is available at: http://www.alliance-groupements.fr/index.php?id=fr52
UNI HA / http://fournisseurs.uniha.org is a Health cooperative network of buying groups. It gathers 58 public hospitals across the country. Supplier’s registration is available at: http://fournisseurs.uniha.org/inscription-fournisseur/index.html
UGAP / http://www.ugap.fr is a generalist Public central buying office on a national or regional level.
Lijkt mij wel een goede zaak – een krachtige pan Europese inkoopvereniging omm een beetje tegenwicht te bieden aan “big pharma” die nu de prijzen dicteren.
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